Characteristic curves of semiconductors with Cobra4 Xpert-Link
  • Characteristic curves of semiconductors with Cobra4 Xpert-Link

Characteristic curves of semiconductors with Cobra4 Xpert-Link

견적 문의
₩2,500 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송
방문 수령지 : 경기도 고양시 덕양구 향동로 194(향동동) DMC아미 지식산업센터 501호


Determine the current strength flowing through a semi-conducting diode. Determine the collector current with the collector voltage for various values of the base current intensity.
Fast and easy experimenting
Get to know the behaviour of several types of semiconductors
Detailed experiment guide with extensive explanations and step-by-step instructions
Measure voltage and current simultaneously on four channels
Simplified implementation: all pre-settings already prepared
Further experiments in electricity and electronics can be performed with the equipment
1. To investigate the dependence of the current strength flowing through a semi-conducting diode.
2. To determine the variations of the collector current with the collector voltage for varios values of the base current intensity.
What you can learn about
P-n junction
Energy-band diagram
Valence band
Conduction band
Operating point
Operating system-independent software included. Computer not provided.





Descripsion Code Q'ty
Semiconductor diode Si, 1 N 4148, case G1 39106-03 1,00
Potentiometer 1 kOhm, 0.4W, G2 39103-04 2,00
Short-circuit plug,black 06027-05 3,00
Resistor 100 Ohm, 1W, G1 39104-63 1,00
Connecting cord, 32 A, 500 mm, yellow 07361-02 2,00
Transistor BC337, base left, G3 39127-20 1,00
Resistor 470 Ohm, 1W, G1 39104-15 1,00
Cobra4 Xpert-Link 12625-99 1,00
Plug-in board, for 4 mm plugs 06033-00 1,00
Semiconductor diode Ge, AA118, case G1 39106-01 1,00
Connecting cord, 32 A, 500 mm, blue 07361-04 4,00
Low power zener diode ZF 4,7, G1 39132-01 1,00
Resistor 1 kOhm, 1W, G1 39104-19 1,00
Commutator switch 06034-03 1,00
Semiconductor diode Si, 1 N 4007, case G1 39106-02 1,00
Connecting cord, 32 A, 500 mm, black 07361-05 2,00
Light emitting diode, red, case G1 39154-50 1,00
Resistor 22 kOHM, 1W, G1 39104-34 1,00
Connecting cord, 32 A, 500 mm, red 07361-01 4,00
Adapter, BNC-plug/socket 4 mm 07542-26 2,00




- 배송비 : 기본배송료는 2,500원 입니다. (도서,산간,오지 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다)  100,000원 이상 구매시 무료배송입니다.

- 본 상품의 평균 배송일은 2일입니다. 설치 상품의 경우 다소 늦어질수 있습니다.

교환 및 반품안내

- 개봉으로 상품 가치 훼손 시에는 상품수령후 7일 이내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.

- 저단가 상품, 일부 특가 상품은 고객 변심에 의한 교환, 반품은 고객께서 배송비를 부담하셔야 합니다(제품의 하자,배송오류는 제외)

- 일부 상품은 신모델 출시, 부품가격 변동 등 제조사 사정으로 가격이 변동될 수 있습니다.


- 상품 청약철회 가능기간은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내 입니다.


- 소비자분쟁해결 기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 피해를 보상받을 수 있습니다.

- A/S는 판매자에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.

이미지 확대보기Characteristic curves of semiconductors with Cobra4 Xpert-Link

Characteristic curves of semiconductors with Cobra4 Xpert-Link
  • Characteristic curves of semiconductors with Cobra4 Xpert-Link

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